Happy Friday!

Hello, my friends. It is finally Friday and I am so thankful for that. However, I've got quite the to-do list today, and I'd really like to get most of it done so I have less to do this weekend. Most of it is in preparation for Monday... remember I said to keep that date marked? You won't be sorry. ;)

Other than my giant to-do list, I don't have much going on. I might actually try to squeeze in some reading time since I have a small stack of helpful (business) books that I really need to start reading! Also, it's crazy outside. The last couple of days, the weather was warmer and less snowy, but yesterday it rained just about all day. Rain? In February? Yep, that's Michigan. And today... well, let's just say it's windy and white outside. And when I say windy, I mean WINDY! I have a couple errands I need to run, but I'm thinking I might save those for later/tomorrow to avoid going out in this mess. I better get started on that list, so enjoy these links and your Friday!

Celebrities read mean tweets about themselves #6... one of my favorite things ever.

Dad records kids falling on ice. Kind of cruel but totally funny.

Swapping clothes with mom and dad.

A couple "breaks up" using only movie titles. I guess He's Just Not That Into You... see what I did there? ;)

What Kind of Dog Are You? I got a sweet ol' mutt.

What is Your Inner Potato? You read that right. I love potatoes and I couldn't resist this weird quiz. I'm Tater Tots.

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