A Pretty Collaboration

Hey guys! I recently got the wonderful opportunity to collaborate with a favorite lady + blogger of mine, Katy of All Sorts of Pretty. I've been reading her blog for a long time + I'm a huge fan, so when she approached me with a collaboration idea + complimented my work, I was stoked. She chose this quote because it really resonated with her + she thought it might resonate well with others too. I think it's a really great quote with a lot of meaning. I know I tend to stay in my comfort zone a lot, but it is important to step outside of it at times because that is what living is all about.

I had a seriously lovely time working with Katy, + I am so thankful for this opportunity. Head on over to her pretty blog + check out the feature! Take a look around the rest of your site too... as I'm sure you'll love it just as much as I do! As a fellow lover of pretty things, I think this collaboration was meant to be. :) I am carrying this print over in my shop for all of you who want to add a little bit of pretty wisdom to your life!


1 comment :

  1. How lovely! Thanks for sharing. Must be so exciting to get to collaborate with a blogger you have admired from afar for a long time.
