Words, words, words / 26

via my instagram

I know it's coming really late today, but I wanted to do a quick hand lettering post. It's been awhile, as per usual for me, but I'm really happy with how this turned out and felt that I needed to post tonight. I love sharing my work with you, and it feels wonderful to have gotten this done. As you can see, it's not a finished piece yet. Just a sneak peek at good things to come. That's my motto lately. Good things to come... because I promise you, they're coming. :)

"Words, words, words" is a weekly hand lettering column in which I share some goodies hand-lettered by me for your enjoyment! You can check out previous posts here!


  1. How can something as blunt as this be just so darn beautiful? You rock.

  2. Hehe, thanks. :) That made me feel really good!
