Happy Friday!

Late post coming at you again, for good reason though! I spent my day cleaning my room, wooh! You know, it's funny though, because it looks worse than it did when I started. Do you ever have that happen when you're cleaning a room? It's like the disaster gets worse before it can get better. It's crazy + a little bit frustrating to be honest, but I'm definitely making progress. It feels a little better. I'm thinking I might continue to clean after this post a little bit, so it feels a little less hectic for tomorrow.  I also went on two walks, one with my friend McKenzie and one with my mom. It was a really nice day out today, and I'm glad I got to take advantage of that this evening. Did you have a good Friday? 

Enjoy some links if you need a little pick-me-up. :)

Kids react to (an apparent) controversial Cheerios commercial. Their reactions are awesome.

For you locals, this is the summer guide I'll be using to make my summer a little bit cooler.

This guy dances down the street + has a blast.

A little boy's night was totally just made by a Griffins' hockey player. So cute.

1 comment :

  1. I LOVE those kids react videos! Kids are so innocent & honest. :] // Carmen ☼
